Monday, January 17, 2011

The Future of Marketin

Check out this article on NPR:

It's all about the future of marketing, actually it should be called the present of marketing. It talks about how advertisers are getting wise with their traditional marketing dollars to make them stretch out into full online campaigns. Duh!

If you are going to spend millions of dollars for an ad during the Superbowl you absolutely should make that the launching point for further interaction online. However, the great thing about this new form of marketing is that you really don't have to start with a million dollar Superbowl ad. But if you don't have the dollars to get that initial exposure to millions of viewers then you have to get a bit more creative so the buzz will carry itself to the millions of consumers.

That is my favorite part about this age of online marketing, any one, any company, from Nike to a mom 'n' pop shop, could potentially get the same audience. It just takes ingenuity.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't go there

Normally I would make recommendations on somewhere good to go. Now, I make a warning on somewhere NOT to go. DK Sushi. Some people obviously find this place amusing and love the "experience", but I just don't consider bad stand up, soft core porn karaoke, and molestation by a skinny, unattractive, older Asian man a good time. Call me crazy.

At first glance this placed seemed like it would be kind of fun. They have those tables that you sit on the floor, it was small but packed, the food smelled (and tasted, actually) delicious, and in general there was a lively atmosphere.

My first indication that this place was terribly wrong was when I was instructed (well all females in the restaurant were instructed) to put my fingers down my pants so the owner of the restaurant, "DK", could come by and inspect the smell. Oh yes. And he really used some different type of language to make that "request".

Every woman that crossed his path got a slap on the ass, and the TV screen that played the karaoke lyrics was filled with Girls Gone Wild, 80s edition. All you could see was boobs, tassled t-shirts, and high cut thong bikinis.

The food was good.

However, I don't care if the food was good, the drinks were free, and a genie popped out of the soy sauce to grant me three wishes; there is no way I would ever go back.

My biggest concern really was avoiding the ass slap or boob grab from DK. While I noticed all those molested were just laughing it off, probably because they just didn't know what else to do, I know myself. My good knee was already priming itself for man junk contact and my nails were more than ready for the scratch slap. I'm Italian, I grew up in Memphis and I have two brothers; hand-to-hand (or knee to groin) combat is not a problem for me.

Thankfully we made it out of this den of iniquity without appearing on COPS. I did feel like I needed to talk to Olivia from Law & Order Special Victims Unit though.

Two thumbs down, way down, down in your pants so... wait, that's DK's line.

Friday, January 7, 2011


In marketing it is so important to have priorities, and to see the big picture. Sure, you can spend your time on small initiatives that will get you immediate satisfaction but will not position you for success in the long run. This is where it becomes difficult when working as a Marketing Director, often times you must do everything you can to display, with firm facts and evidence, that the loftier, longer-term goal you are working toward is better than a quick fix.

Any marketer worth their salt will know this. Especially if you are one who has passion about your work. I take complete ownership and am unable to tow the line if I believe it to be a bad course of action.

So, to all you marketers out there, focus on coming up with a good way to explain the efforts, the benefits, and possibly plan to have a few shorter-term goals that can be completed in conjunction. This way you are able to please those with the need for instant gratification, but you can also wow them with the long term result of massive success!